Training courses – easy and pragmatic
Ultimately, it is always the individual person, a specific colleague, or yourself, who improves and makes things happen through your commitment, an idea, knowledge and know-how, doing something that is of vital importance for the company. That is why investments into the training and further education of employees, or for yourself, are certainly among the most future-orientated and important of all.
We keep your team efficient through active learning – easy and pragmatic
Training courses for the business unit
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Support for and coaching of the Quality Manager, other managers and quality colleagues
- Customer complaints as chance to increase customer loyalty
- Continuous improvement process
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with customers and suppliers
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Qualtiy standard interpretation
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Customer complaints as chance to improve customer loyalty
- Basics of failure analysis
- 8-D Methodology
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with customers and suppliers
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Continuous improvement process
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Basics of applied statistics
- SPC – statistic process control
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Qualtiy standard interpretation
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Support for and coaching of the Quality Manager, other managers and quality colleagues
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Customer complaints as chance to improve customer loyalty
- Profitable use of customer audits
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with customer
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Continuous improvement process
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Customer complaints as chance to improve customer loyalty
- Basics of failure analysis
- 8-D Methodology
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with customer and supplier
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Continuous improvement process
- Basics of applied statistics
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Qualtiy standard interpretation
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with suppliers
- Education and training of the supplier auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Professional supplier audits
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- 8-D Methodology
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Basics of applied statistics
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Basics of failure analysis
- 8-D Methodology
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Continuous improvement process
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Basics of applied statistics
- SPC – statistic process control
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Qualtiy standard interpretation
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Customer complaints as chance to improve customer loyalty
- Basics of failure analysis
- 8-D Methodology
- Risk analysis at the product/process
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Continuous improvement process
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Basics of applied statistics
- Machine capability study / process capability study and measurement capability study
- Education and training of the internal auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
- Team building at the stress field of the magical triangle – quality-costs-delivery time
- Support for and coaching of the Quality Manager, other managers and quality colleagues
- Education and training of the internal auditors and supplier auditors (1st-party and 2nd-party) according to ISO 9001 and VDA 6.4
- Basic and advanced training for the requirements of quality management
- Negotiation of quality assurance agreement with customers and suppliers
- Basics of product liability from technician to technician (and sales guys) according to the product liability act, contractual liability and tortious liability
All training courses are also offered as "Power Training Courses". "Power" means that the training course is followed by a specific 1 ½ hour martial arts training, during which you will benefit from my 35 years of experience as an active Karateka and Karate trainer. The martial arts training is of course aligned with the prior experience of the participants.